Return of the Hall Monitor0

Say Hello to the Chief Compliance Officer at a Pharmaceutical Company Near You

This article first appeared in Pharmaceutical Compliance Monitor on February 11, 2013.

As any teenager will tell you, nobody likes a snitch. When it comes to the antics of the adolescent, rarely is unwanted disclosure or unsolicited intervention met with appreciation.  And yet, in observing the conduct displayed recently throughout many fields in our nation’s business sector, similar sentiment rang true across corporate America, and the moral “high road” was rarely found to intersect with the path most traveled. The health care industry was no different, and any strict constructionist interpretation of the Hippocratic Oath usually limited “do no harm” to the delivery of patient care in its most literal sense, foregoing the machinations conspiring behind the scenes to keep a hospital’s doors open in the face of a souring economic climate.

Now Is the Time for Compliance

The ethical transformation in health care that gained momentum one score and seven years ago has its origins in a law signed on March 2, 1863, by the president famous for the words “four score and seven years ago” uttered that same year.  The False Claims Act (the “FCA”), also known as “Lincoln’s Law” and the “Informer’s Act,” has evolved considerably since its enactment to become the “primary litigative tool for combating fraud” (see S. Rep. 99-345, at 2 (1986)).  … Read more →

Modern American Health Care (in 83 slides)1

This presentation provides an overview of the Affordable Care Act three years after its passage. It explains how the landmark legislation evolved, what provisions are in place today, and what can we expect in the years to come. The implications for patients, providers and payers are massive, and this presentation is designed to provide a comprehensive overview for anyone interested to learn about health care reform.