Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome

Dr. Leon James and Dr. Diane Nahl have written books and articles on the subject of driving psychology. The research conducted by Drs. James and Nahl is posted on their website HERE.  In addition to a vast collection of information about road rage (including news and legislation from around the nation), there is a discussion about Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome.

The experts have prepared a 15-point self-assessment scale one can use to self-diagnose. The scale can be found HERE, and it includes the following:

  1. Feeling stress and impatience when walking in a crowded area (crosswalk, staircase, mall, store, airport, street, beach, park, etc.)
  2. Having denigrating thoughts about other pedestrians
  3. Acting in a hostile manner (staring, presenting a mean face, moving faster or closer than expected)
  4. Walking much faster than the rest of the people
  5. Not yielding when it’s the polite thing to do (insisting on going first)
  6. Walking on the left of a crowded passageway where most pedestrians walk on the right
  7. Muttering at other pedestrians
  8. Bumping into others
  9. Not apologizing when expected (after bumping by accident or coming very close in attempting to pass)
  10. Making insulting gestures
  11. Hogging or blocking the passageway, acting uncaring or unaware
  12. Walking by a slower moving pedestrian and cutting back too soon (feels hostile or rude)
  13. Expressing pedestrian rage against a driver (like insulting or throwing something)
  14. Feeling enraged at other pedestrians and enjoying thoughts of violence
  15. Feeling competitive with other pedestrians

The degree to which these 15 traits manifest themselves in individuals, and the resulting implications, can be explored in greater detail on the website.